thinking is vital in all fields of life as it equips one with the abilities to
think clearly on an issue at hand, evaluate the many options available, and
then come up with the most logical decision. This makes it easy to solve simple
as well as complicated situations. What is the meaning of critical thinking procedure?
There are four steps to effective critical thinking.
Collecting Information
The first step
is to gather exhaustive information of the issues a hand. The following factors
will aid in what and where to search.
- The parties involved in the issue
- The fundamental focus of the issue at hand
- The time the pertinent issue occurred
- The location the events took place
- How the events took place and their effect on the parties
- The consequences of various options on the parties involved.
The above
pointers go along way in saving time and money, and sometimes lives, like when
evaluating what is critical thinking in nurses, and aiding in sourcing of the
appropriate information relevant to the issue at hand. From the preliminary
information collected, one is then able to refine to more specific information
relevant to the case. What is critical thinking in nurses information
collection involves the patient’s medical history like genetic pre-disposition,
financial status etc
Refine the
The second
section of what is the meaning of critical thinking procedure is weighing of
the collected information. Exclude any erroneous data collected as well as far
fetched facts. Narrow down to the more critical points like patients’ history,
financial status and access to medical facilities when considering what is
critical thinking in nurses. Refining to the more relevant facts, aids in
clearing up the view of the problem by eliminating all unsubstantiated elements
from the research.
Click here to learn more on critical thinking or view how to write a great essay here.
The third step
in what is the meaning of critical thinking is drawing rational conclusions
from the refined information. A crucial move towards such a result is
elimination of fallacious information. This helps to preserve the validity of
the apparent conclusion. Once you are sure that the conclusion is devoid of any
statements that would threaten its validity and effectiveness, and then
evaluation can be done.
The last step in
what is the meaning of critical thinking is evaluation of the conclusion. This
remains the most challenging step of the four. This is because it employs the
very base that critical thinking is based on; exclusion of personal bias when
making a decision. It is quite hard to make an unbiased, thorough, and logical
bias of personal work particularly in some professions, like what is critical
thinking in nurses. However, extensive and fair analysis of the made claims and
ensuring the statements made serve the initial purpose of concisely addressing
the matter at hand.
Read more on understanding critical thinking and get more information here.